
Hello,This is me!

Aadi Jain


About me


I'mAadi Jain


Just knowledgeable things will help you to move out of depression, your unforgettable past, and will help you to change your life by inputting good thoughts, by motivating you. I will awake you from the mirage. I will help you to endure your self. And remember that your past is a corpse.


Psyche | How to control | Power of mind 2020


Today we will discuss a puzzling force past the world which can think conviction and which has extraordinary sentiments today we will discuss our psyche. Today, we will figure out how to control the brain. 


          The psyche is something like this that is hard to control what we see, what we hear, turns into our life, and with this, the brain controls us like a manikin. on the off chance that we see terrible, listen awful, at that point, our psyche will be likewise awful, similarly on the off chance that we see great and hear great, at that point our brain will likewise be acceptable however it won't make it so great since mind draws in increasingly awful things.
That is the reason I need you to figure out how to control your psyche however it is difficult to control the brain and today we live in that age where individuals think more regrettable instead of good and afterward, it turns out to be exceptionally hard to control the psyche and individuals are beginning to segregate a ton it gets misconstruing and breaks the relationship.
In our present reality, where individuals see more advantages in everything which can be off-base for the future country. I ask every one of you to leave pessimism and receive energy. If you remain positive, at that point, your brain will likewise be certain. On the off chance that you figure out how to be sure during an awful time, at that point, you will have the option to control your psyche rapidly, and afterward, you will consistently be upbeat and satisfy others as well.
I Request all of you again to consistently attempt to be certain when your infant is conceived there is a great deal of inspiration in it and the researcher has additionally demonstrated this. Furthermore, there are a few people in this world who are consistently constructive and conveying the inspiration far and wide.
                            One intriguing thing to tell is that there are two pieces of the Brain right off the bat cognizant psyche and the subsequent inner mind. 
The cognizant brain controls its instruction, thinking, rationale, examination, and this choice related and on the opposite side the psyche mind control things like its feelings, propensities, Recollections, and comprehension.
Just 10% use by the cognizant brain and the staying 90% utilize the inner mind. 
On the off chance that you utilize your psyche mind appropriately, at that point you can get a special force and that power is..... We will discuss that power in the next article.
Our fundamental technique is the way to quiet our psyche, if you follow the strategy, at that point, you will have the option to quiet your brain. 
The name of that technique is the salivation strategy.
Psyche | How to control | Power of mind 2020

Presently, what is this salivation strategy? so the salivation strategy is a technique that contains a sort of contemplation.
On the off chance that you need to do reflection, at that point I reveal to you how to do it is simple, however, only a couple of things should be recollected in it, at that point contemplation will be finished. 
Things which you need to follow; -
1) First, you need to choose a spot where there is no commotion. 

2) At that point, you need to take the Connealing Posture which is given underneath in photograph.
Psyche | How to control | Power of mind 2020

If you can not take the stooping stance, at that point you can take the seat sitting posture.
Psyche | How to control | Power of mind 2020

3) In this banner you need to sit on a seat, at that point you need to close your eyes, at that point, you need to try to avoid panicking for 20 to 30 minutes and remember your psyche calm. And hold that no idea strikes a chord, on the off chance that an idea rings a bell, at that point you won't have the option to focus well. If you need to think, at that point focus on your breathing going in and out. Then you will have the option to concentrate. If you are doing this just because you will think that it's somewhat troublesome. You will get the most ideal yet you just need to do is breathe in and out.


Moral Story | Short Story | Negative Power

Moral Story: Once in America, criminal was sentenced to death when scientists read it in a newspaper, he was taken mission to meet him and was told to tell the criminal that you will not be hanged, but you will be taken to a cobra bite. Then he was worried all night. In the morning it was time for punishment then, he was taken to a room, then he was seated, he was blindfolded and felt that scientists would come to him now and beaten by cobra bite.  Scientists came to him but not to be bitten by a cobra but prick into two small safety pin and he died in a few seconds. When postmortem found that the body was poisoned with as much poison as the bite of a cobra. 

Now think about where the poison came into his body? 

From his thought, he thought so much negative that he was bitten by the cobra and his body himself made poison.

So we know from this small story that how much poison is there in the minds of people that they think of something wrong and do something wrong so I request you all that please think positive that will save your life.

Think Positive Be Positive


The world has changed a lot, has

become very worthless. In this world, 

man does evil of each other. People live

for their means now. People work for

own mean. Now people hurt others

for money. "Money has become first priorities for most of the humans and

love, emotions have become second priorities". Even people kill others

for money,  now there are very few

people who help others. So I would say that I wish this world could change

again and stop doing evil of others, 

killing for money.

One who cause grief to others, one day they shall praise you

If anyone does evil to you, hurtful you; let him do evil; for a day will come when he who does evil to you; he it is who shall praise you.

As you behave, so shall he behave as well

Suppose you tell a person the truth, for his benefit the person ignores the truth and you become angry with him. In the same way, if someone tells you the truth, for your benefit then you also ignore that truth. 

         So the essence of this whole thing is that as you behave, so shall he behave as well.

– Unknown 

If you learned to remain calm, then you learned to live in the world.

Learn to remain calm because this world is too cruel. If you remain calm, you will not be brought to the words of others, and you will be engrossed in your own actions. 

Some people have a bad habit of thinking little things and thinking in negative way, and that makes them take to battle or depression. 

If you lose in life you will win too.

Sometimes, you lose your race when you play the game If you try you will almost get a win in your game likewise in your real life if you lose in your life don't be sad, there are more option to get the win in your life just do hard work try it one day you will get a win in your life.

Take risks: If you win, you will be happy: If you lose, you will be wise

Take risks: If you win, you will be happy: If you lose, you will be wise

When You Lose, Do not lose lesson

Do not lose the lesson 


Life doesn't tell you what is right, what is wrong you have to find it whether you want to be in the right path or in the wrong path

– Aadi Jain 

Positive Thinkers

Positive thinkers live happily there aim emotions all are based on a positive attitude, we can also be a positive person just by thinking.

– Aadi Jain 


Love is a type of fall in the deep heart that others can't understand.

– Aadi Jain 

Hero or Legend

Be like a legendary person. Just think about it. You will satisfy in hero or legend choice is yours. 

Grow up.
Beat up. 
Fly up.

— Aadi Jain

Lesson to learn about strange Friends

When I was "13" I have my best friend he told me that I will your best friend forever  I said I also will be BFF of you when my exam held I didn't talk he also didn't talk I don't know the reason why he is not talking when my exams are over then I talk to him but he didn't talk to me Some days later he said sorry I'm not your Best Friend my best friend forever is someone else, not you.

So, this was all about my story.

What did you get from this story?
Tell answer in the comment box:-
My answer - Never ever believe in strange friends.

Be happy don't worry 

True Friendships

True friends don't show their friendships they just do things like friend. Later they become like a Yara.

           while saying true friendships is not called true friendships. While obeying your friend is called true friendships. And friends are not for some time, they are for Forever.

Never come in fake relationship

One thing I have learned from the past that never believes in fake love because it creates a lot of unexpected thought in mind and from this, they are in the depressions.

One thing I have learnt from the past that never believe in fake love because it create a lot of unexpected thought in mind and from this they are in the depressions.

Beers of Truth

Beer is perfect for those who lie. because beers tell truth.

It's True for Reasonable people's

"Accept what is. Let go of what was. Believe in what will be."


“My job as a leader is to make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, and that they feel they’re having a meaningful impact and are contributing to the good of society. As a world, we’re doing a better job of that. My goal is for Google to lead, not follow that.”

Larry Page

CEO of Google

“When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”

Steve Jobs

CEO of apple

Really, who you are is defined by the people who you know - not even the people that you know, but the people you spend time with and the people that you love and the people that you work with. I guess we show your friends in your profile, but that's kind of different from the information you put in your profile.

Mark Zuckerberg

CEO of facebook
